Selma Growth Fund

Investing in Selma's Continued Racial Healing beyond 2021

Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation

We  Need Your  Support


We need your help today to make sure that Selma continues to lead by fulfilling its destiny as an historic place of racial justice and healing.  Upon the closure of our funding period in 2021, we have a golden option in not allowing Selma & Dallas County to be sidelined as the rest of our country and world continue to seize the current opportunity of this transformative moment in history.


Thankfully, we have until July 2021 to raise approximately $800,000 that will be matched through a pre-commitment from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.


The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted and delayed our fundraising plans for 2020 and have created more urgency for our efforts to qualify for matching funds by or before the end of our grant term in July 2021. We appreciate your help now as we strive to make sure the work of TRHT Selma will continue into the future.